Romanplatz 12 ∙ 80639 München
Telefon: +49 89 17 60 16 ∙ Telefax: +49 89 45 24 07 52
Mobil +49 179 214 29 51∙
Ulrich Wagner – System Impuls GmbH & Co. KG
Hörwarthstr. 15 ∙ 80804 München
Telefon: +49 89 1433461-0 ∙ Telefax: +49 89 1433461-9
Mr. Ulrich Wagner has been advising companies for over 20 years on all aspects of information technology. In particular, he is the contact person for all technical issues relating to the topic of data protection and data security, especially when evaluating your technical and organizational measures based on the new legal requirements according to GDPR and the German Data Protection Act.

Claudio C. Röttger
IT Consulting
Neuer Wall 80 ∙ 20354 Hamburg
Implementation of GDPR requirements in IT system landscapes (SAP ERP, BI, CRM, SCM systems)
Claudio Röttger has been working as a freelance consultant in SAP Business Analytics for more than 10 years. In the context of data analysis and data management, he has worked for numerous national and international companies, such as Allianz SE, Daimler AG, Otto Group Hamburg or Deutsche Bahn / Arriva London (UK) and implemented successfully IT solutions.
In implementing GDPR requirements, Mr. Röttger is supporting medium-sized companies and international groups on the way to a GDPR compliant IT landscape, especially in the environment of large SAP systems. Mr. Röttger is Dipl.-Ing. and Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 – Quality Management (SGS UK), and has extensive experience in implementing IT-based business processes, based on his previous experience as a consultant of Ernst & Young Germany and Deloitte Switzerland. His consulting focus is the development and implementation of legally compliant organizational and master data structures as well as IT-based governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solutions (in collaboration with legal advisers), data storage and data archiving concepts, as well as a comprehensive authorization concept.